Graduated in Law and in Political Science, Martino Zulberti is member of Milan Bar since 2008. He worked for major Italian and international law firms, achieving significant experience in litigation, both before national courts and arbitral tribunals. He was adjunct professor of civil procedure at University of Piemonte Orientale and at University of Milano-Bicocca and he holds regularly lectures at foreign prestigious Universities, such as Chinese University of Hong Kong, Waseda University, University of San Paolo and e Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Phd in civil procedure, he is full time assistant professor in the same field at University of Milano since 2019, where he is responsible of the course Elementi di diritto processuale and Gestione del contenzioso per l’impresa. He is regularly speaker at conferences both in Italy and abroad.

He authored a monograph (Le impugnazioni delle decisioni equitative, Tourin, 2018), and many essays published in primary law journals.

He is responsible of the editorial board of ll diritto degli affari and he is member of the editorial boards of Il diritto fallimentare e delle società commerciali, Diritto di internet, Le Pagine de L’Aula Civile and International Journal of Law and Society. He is also referee for Diritto di Internet and Trusts e attività fiduciarie. He is honorary member of Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Processual and affiliated to SISCO – Società Italiana di Studi Concorsuali and Associazione italiana fra gli studiosi del processo civile.

Foreign languages: English